Community Resources


如果您正在寻找信息,但无法在本网站找到,请与我们联系, and we will add to this page.

  • Textbooks - 2023-2024学年的图书订购可以通过我们的图书供应商campus完成. You can access the MHS bookstore by using this link: 请随时把你的书直接送到澳门威利斯网站的学校.
  • Humes Euston Hall Library — find books and/or ebooks, access databases and our digital subscriptions, and learn more about learning resources available to the community


Important resources for families

Your Contacts at Miss Hall’s School

• For questions about academics: Meghan Smith, Dean of Teaching and Learning, 413-395-7014,

For questions about student life: Sarah Virden, Dean of Students, 413-395-7018,

For questions about diversity and inclusion: Paula Lima Jones, Dean of Equity and Inclusion, 413-395-7117,

For questions about class schedules: Philip Landa, Registrar, 413-395-7021,

• For questions about health and counseling resources: Kristen Milano, Dean of Wellness, 413-395-7072,

• For questions about supporting Miss Hall’s: Merritt Colaizzi, Director of Advancement, 413-395-7065,

• For general questions: Miss Hall's School Main Number, 413-443-6401

2023-24 Back to School

为学生和家庭提供有关2023-24学年的信息, including campus health and safety protocols. 当我们收到问题并澄清答案时,我们会在这里添加更多信息.

When are school forms due?

所有的学生表格和医疗文件——FACTS和Magnus表格——都要在周二交, August 1st, but we will accept forms until August 15. All forms must be completed and submitted before arrival on campus. 缺少表格的学生不能参加迎新活动或其他活动, including leadership training, athletics, or classes.

When should students arrive at school?

Thursday, August 31
Early Arrivals for New International Students, All-School Leaders, Proctors, Pre-Season Athletes (by invitation)

Friday to Sunday, September 1 to 3
New International Student Orientation; Pre-Season Athletics; Student Leadership Workshops

Saturday, September 2
All Bigs

Sunday, September 3 —
Returning Student Arrivals

Monday, September 4 —
New Student Arrivals & New Families Welcome

Orientation For All New and Returning Students:

Friday to Sunday, September 1 to 3, for New International Students
Monday, September 4, for all Bigs and New Students
Tuesday and Wednesday, September 5 and 6, for All Students

You will receive a detailed schedule later this month.

Can families come to campus on arrival days?

Families are welcome to come to campus on arrival days! 请注意,我们只允许一个家庭成员在宿舍的时间. This support person can change throughout the day, 但任何房间不能同时有超过一个客人或家庭成员. 其他家庭成员可以在指定的户外区域或主楼的公共区域聚集.

When are roommate assignments announced?

The Residential Life team is working on roommate placement. Students, 请确保你已经完整填写了室友问卷,以帮助我们选择你的室友.

Roommate assignments, advisor assignments, 而早到学生干部培训时间表将于本月晚些时候全部发出. For new students, 确保你和你的导师至少联系过一次——当你开始在MHS学习的时候,他们是你很好的资源和支持. For boarding students, here is a reminder of the packing list.


Except during the beginning of Fall Long Weekend, which directly follows Fall Family Weekend, 澳门威利斯网站提供学校假期往返奥尔巴尼和布拉德利/哈特福德国际机场的交通服务, 以及往返于波士顿和纽约国际机场的指定接送点. MHS arranges transportation directly to and from John F. 肯尼迪国际机场(JFK)仅在秋假、冬假和春假期间开放. 学校不提供到其他机场或城市的交通服务.

How do students order books?

所有学生都收到了学年的澳门威利斯网站和订购图书的信息. 这是通过澳门威利斯网站的电子邮件帐户通过电子邮件发送给所有返回的学生,并通过在录取过程中与学校共享的电子邮件地址发送给所有新生和家庭. Please use your course information to order books for the upcoming school year through our book vendor,

The link to the MHS bookstore is 当你去校园网站时,你会用你的班级清单作为你的指南. Boarding students can certainly have the books sent directly to MHS, if that is easier. Please make sure to use your name in the shipping address, so that we know to whom the package should be delivered. 您是否对收到的班级信息有任何疑问, please reach out to Phil Landa, Registrar, via email:

How does Miss Hall’s handle cultural and religious observations?

所有的学生都有很多请假理由,可以用来参加文化或宗教活动, up to 5 days in a given academic year (September-May). Under this policy, excused absences can be taken for observations such as Yom Kippur, Lunar New Year, Good Friday, Eid-al-Fitr, etc. More information about the policy can be found in our 2023-24 Student-Family Handbook.

COVID Protocols for 2023-24

澳门威利斯网站事件响应小组(IRT)密切监测有关COVID-19的事态发展, 根据真实数据和公共卫生专家的合理指导作出决定.

It is our practice to meet or exceed local, state, 以及澳门威利斯网站COVID安全的国家指南,并定义适用于MHS的具体政策和协议. Our current protocols are outlined below.


  • Vaccination: 所有在校生必须在学年开始前全面接种COVID-19疫苗. Proof of vaccination must be uploaded in the Magnus electronic medical records portal. 学校亦保留随时更新疫苗接种规定的权利,以保障社区健康.
  • Masking: 在校园和校外旅行和活动期间,遮盖是可选的. 学校可能会根据社区健康状况和/或在暴露风险较高的时候要求室内口罩, such as immediately following long breaks. 我们鼓励个人佩戴口罩,如果他们觉得这样做更舒服的话, and we respect everyone's choices. 我们还要求所有人注意自我监测症状,如果你与任何病人有过接触,请戴上口罩.
  • Testing: 根据疾病预防控制中心和马萨诸塞州公共卫生部的指导方针, MHS will no longer conduct weekly community testing. We will, however, 继续对有症状的个体进行快速检测,因为这已被证明可有效防止病毒传播. If an individual experiences symptoms while on campus, 他们应该立即到健康中心进行快速检测.
  • Symptom Screening: 如果个人在家时出现症状,请不要来学校! Contact the Health Center for further instructions.
  • Isolation & quarantine: 根据疾病预防控制中心的指导方针,阳性个体必须隔离至少5天. The CDC no longer recommends quarantine for close contacts; however, 卫生部可能会要求学生或雇员在某些情况下遵守隔离协议.
  • Visitors: 到校园的访客必须在到达校园安全处登记,并遵守所有现行的MHS协议. 欢迎家庭成员在批准的探访时间内到访校园,并提前通知. For certain events with pre-registration (e.g. admissions open house, reunion, and ticketed performances), the School may require proof of vaccination. 出现症状或最近接触过阳性个体的访客应重新安排校园访问.
  • Off-campus activities: We will offer regular off-campus activities and trips. Common Good Guidelines apply during off-campus activities. 活动可能会根据当地或校园的情况而改变或取消.

Are Miss Hall’s School employees vaccinated against COVID-19?
